New End date for our Fundraising campaign

BlogPost from 30th of July 2020

It´s been some rough weeks at Babel, where we had to focus ALL our time on finding solutions to our new crisis!

Like we described in earlier Blog Posts - the government in Cambodia has decided to take the opportunity of no tourism to upgrade the infrastructure in Siem Reap, and our little sleepy street will become a proper road.

In the making they are taking 5 meters of our lovely garden. So we had to think new! We had to demolish our whole garden, make new walls and start building up a completely new Babel.

On top of all this work, our long term English guest fell seriously ill, and had to be taken to Intensive Care Unit Surgery Ward. As he has no family here, WE became main responsible for this whole situation. Day and night.

Being in a local hospital in a third world country is NOT like being in a hospital where we come from. ICU is an open room with many beds in it. There is no door to the building. There are no cubicles. No privacy. Everyone is right there and whole families come in at a time.

NO care is given by the nurses besides making sure the medicine is administrated. In Cambodia, all nursing care has to be given by family. Supply food, do all the cleaning and washing, move the patient around to prevent bed soars… everything!

It´s not a very cheerful place to be in (as our guests described it). A very young person passed away in the bed right next to our guests while we were there. His Mom cried silently. This will haunt me for the rest of my life.

Having two children under three years old with a closed Preschool and no nanny or family members to help, and trying to manage all this in the middle of a Fundraising Campaign was NOT EASY.

In fact, for more than two weeks, we hardly had time to work on the Campaign at all.

SO - we have decided to set a new end-date to our Campaign, and add two extra weeks. By this we hope to reach our goal!

YOU can help us reach our goal:


Help us create jobs


Babel got hit by yet another crisis!