Meet Chan Hov and her family

BlogPost from 3rd of July 2020

Chan Hov has been with us for almost a decade. She started as kitchen Staff, and could not speak a single word English. Now she is bartending, serving, doing check ins and running Babel Eco-shop.

She is the ONLY woman from Babel who went to University with sponsorship from Babel Education Program.

Chan Hov is married to one of Babel´s Tuk Tuk drivers, Mr Kosal. He is also sponsored through our Education Program - to graduate from the University of Southeast Asia.

Chan Hov and Kosal are not the only ones working at Babel Guesthouse from this family. Kosal´s sister Savutt is one of our wonderful Cooks.

With three persons in the same family without a job, it will be difficult to make ends meet.

Can YOU help us survive this crisis, so that they can all keep their jobs?


On Norwegian Radio about our situation at Babel Guesthouse


John-Daniel Solhaug’s support campaign